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Policies & Welfare
Club PolicyEQUITY Ilkley Rugby Club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity: “Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.” The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status. The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity. The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures. CODES OF CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Ilkley Rugby Club's Disciplinary Officer is: John Coen. Ilkley Rugby Club takes discipline seriously both on and off the field. The Club regards the authority of the referee on the field as beyond question. The club encourages all players and spectators to respect that authority. In case of breach of discipline on the field Ilkley Rugby Club will follow the guidelines and regulations encapsulated in the RFU Rules and Disciplinary procedures contained in the RFU handbook. In case of breach of Ilkley Rugby Club rules, other than on the field of play, the person or persons perpetrating the breach of rules will be referred to the committee under whose jurisdiction that person or persons belong (generally the club committee or the junior committee) for consideration. Depending of the nature of the breach the club shall have the right to terminate that person or persons' membership forthwith. SPECTATORS An entrance fee is made for all 1st XV home league and cup/shield matches and occasional other matches. This is payable by all whether members or visitors. There is no charge for under 18's. Spectators should: • Acknowledge good individual and team performance from all players irrespective of the team in which they play. • Respect match officials' decisions — remember, they are volunteers providing an opportunity for players to play rugby. • Never verbally abuse players, coaches, match officials or fellow spectators. Such behaviour can create a negative environment for players and their behaviour will often reflect this. • Verbally encourage all players in a positive manner, shouting 'for' not 'at' the players. VOLUNTEERS Ilkley Rugby Club is run by volunteers and in order to ensure continuity and sustainability the club has a succession plan for all key roles. If you haven't already, please volunteer to do a job. CLUB RULES/CONSTITUTION A copy of the Club rules/constitution is available in the clubhouse and may also be delivered to any member upon application to the Club Secretary. AFFILIATIONS Ilkley Rugby Club is affiliated to the Rugby Football Union and the Yorkshire Rugby Union. DEVELOPMENT PLAN Ilkley Rugby Club has a Whole Club Development plan for successive seasons which will be reviewed annually and is in constant review by the committee. This forms the basis of an annual action plan to be implemented at the start of each season. The Junior and Youth section have a Development Plan which is reviewed and updated annually. HEALTH AND SAFETY Ilkley Rugby Club's Health & Safety Coordinator is: TBC. The Club takes the Health and Safety of its members seriously. It is committed to encourage the playing members to train and compete, but the health and safety of each and every member is always our paramount concern. Ilkley Rugby Club, as far as is reasonably practical, will: Make proper provision for the Health, Safety and Welfare of its members, employees, and others who may be affected by the Club's activities. Maintain the Playing Areas, Clubhouse, and its environs in a safe and risk free condition. Undertake risk assessments on all existing and new activities with the objective of reducing or eliminating risk, and put in place measures identified by them. Provide and maintain equipment and practices that are safe and without risk to health. Respond to any Health and Safety issues raised by employees or members. Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified medical/first personnel on site at all training and match times. Responsibility for implementation, supervision and compliance on a day-by-day basis lies with the Management Committee or appointed members of staff, and they are held accountable for the operations within their control. As a Club member, employee or volunteer you have a duty to: • report any accident/incident sustained during any Club activity. • report any unsafe condition that you observe on the Playing areas in the Clubhouse or its environments. • act safely, and generally to contribute to the maintenance of safe and healthy conditions. DATA PROTECTION Ilkley Rugby Club complies with the RFU guidelines on data protection. Information on club membership forms will be recorded as set out in the club's Privacy Policy. The club's data protection officer is TBC.
Club Welfare DocumentTo view the IRFC Club Welfare Document please download using the link below.
FinanceIlkley Rugby Club's Treasurer is: John Oddy Ilkley Rugby club is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies and Credit Unions Act 1965. Registration number 29063R . The club produces annual income and expenditure and balance sheet accounts which are reviewed by an AGM. There are annual budgets and cash flow statements which are reviewed progressively by the committee at monthly meetings. INSURANCE Ilkley Rugby Club has appropriate personal indemnity, public liability, buildings, contents, employer, player, coach and officials insurance. Details are available from the Hon Secretary. CASC Ilkley Rugby Club is a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) registered with HM Customs and Revenue and as such has an open constitution. The constitution is available for inspection on request from the Hon Secretary.
FacilitiesTHE CLUBHOUSE AND CATERING FACILITIES The clubhouse and bar are open on match days, during junior rugby on a Sunday morning and for individual publicised events. They are also available to hire for functions (members receive a significant discount). Catering facilities are also available. Please use them whenever possible and do what you can to publicise and promote the facilities as this is a substantial source of revenue for the club. For hiring the clubhouse please contact Stuart Maclennan. Email: Tel. 07542 850549 SALE OF ALCOHOL The Club has a Premises Licence for the sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment. Details of this licence including the opening hours are displayed in the Club. The Club fully supports the four fundamental licensing objectives listed below: The prevention of crime and disorder Public safety The prevention of a public nuisance The protection of children from harm. It is illegal for: Staff to sell or supply alcohol to anyone under 18 years of age Anyone under 18 to buy or attempt to buy alcohol Anyone over 18 to buy or attempt to buy alcohol on behalf of someone under the age of 18 Children under 18 to consume alcohol in the Club, or for a member of staff to allow them to do so. The Club operates a "Check 21" policy. If a customer looks under 21 years of age the Bar staff have instructions to ask for ID and proof of age before serving alcohol. A passport or photo driving licence is regarded as proof of age as are official "proof of age" cards which include the PASS hologram. Please do not be offended if you are asked to prove your age. PARKING Be aware that there are parking restrictions on Denton Road. Please ensure that you observe them. GOOD NEIGHBOURS The Clubhouse is in a residential area and we wish to maintain good relations with our neighbours. HEALTH AND SAFETY The Club takes the Health and Safety of its members seriously. It is committed to encourage the playing members to train and compete, but the health and safety of each and every member is always our paramount concern. Ilkley Rugby Club, as far as is reasonably practical, will: Make proper provision for the Health, Safety and Welfare of its members, employees, and others who may be affected by the Club's activities. Maintain the Playing Areas, Clubhouse, and its environs in a safe and risk free condition. Undertake risk assessments on all existing and new activities with the objective of reducing or eliminating risk, and put in place measures identified by them. Provide and maintain equipment and practices that are safe and without risk to health. Respond to any Health and Safety issues raised by employees or members. Provide access to adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified medical/first personnel on site at all training and match times. Responsibility for implementation, supervision and compliance on a day-by-day basis lies with the Management Committee or appointed members of staff, and they are held accountable for the operations within their control. As a Club member, employee or volunteer you have a duty to: • report any accident/incident sustained during any Club activity. • report any unsafe condition that you observe on the Playing areas in the Clubhouse or its environs. • act safely, and generally to contribute to the maintenance of safe and healthy conditions. KIT AND REGALIA Junior players' kit and a full range of regalia for both children and adults is available from: Dobson & Robinson - 46 The Grove, Ilkley Members enjoy a 10% discount on all sportswear purchases.
RFU SafeguardingPlease view the RFU Safeguarding policy for Children and Adults below.
SafeguardingSAFEGUARDING AT ILKLEY RUGBY CLUB Children are the lifeblood of the game and it is crucial that they are cared for in the correct manner. It is the responsibility of every adult to protect children from abuse. Child abuse and particularly child sexual abuse provokes strong emotions. It is very important to understand these feelings and not allow them to interfere with your judgement about any action to take. Abuse can occur within many settings including home, school and sporting environment. It can happen to any children. Some individuals will actively seek employment or voluntary work with children in order to harm them. With this in mind it is important for everyone working within Rugby Union, either in a paid or voluntary capacity, together with those working in affiliated organisations, to realise that they have a role to play in safeguarding the welfare of children and preventing them coming to harm. All adult club members and coaches may have regular contact with children and can be a very important link in identifying cases where a child needs protection. Ilkley Rugby Club recognises its moral and legal obligation to ensure that coaches and volunteers who have a responsibility for young people within the club provide them with the highest possible standard of care. The committee and members of Ilkley Rugby Club, the RFU and RFUW recognise that they have a high degree of responsibility to: Safeguard and promote the interests and wellbeing of all the children with whom they work. Take all reasonable practical steps to protect children from harm, discrimination, or degrading treatment. Respect their rights, wishes and feelings. The Safeguarding Officer at Ilkley Rugby Club is Rachel Rogers Contact details: 07921 672350 If any you have any concerns or require information on this subject please contact Rachel. Safeguarding procedures will: Offer safeguards to the children with whom we work, all our members of staff, coaches and club members. Help maintain the professionalism and the safeguards of good practice, which are associated with the RFU and RFUW. It is recognised that any procedure is only as effective as the ability and skill of those who operate them. This training will enable them to work together with parents/ guardians and other organisations to ensure that the needs and the welfare of children remain paramount Ilkley Rugby Club supports all aspects of child protection and as such we encourage total openness in our work with young people. Ilkley Rugby Club supports all aspects of child protection and as such we encourage total openness in our work with young people. (Please see the note on photography in the Parents/Carers section.) Therefore coaches will not: Spend time alone with youngsters away from others. Take youngsters alone on car journeys. Take youngsters alone to their homes. Ilkley Rugby Club requires all coaches and those involved with the Junior section of the club to be checked and cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), formerly the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). It is recommended that everyone involved in any way with the club are also DBS checked. The club has a complete and detailed Welfare and Procedures Policy Manual. Copies can be obtained from the committee. The YRFU Safeguarding Manager is Andy Pollard 0113 2524300.
Playing at IRFCAGE GRADE RUGBY We operate Age Grades from U6 through to U17 Colts with U6 being a starter group where no matches are played against other clubs. A player’s appropriate age grade is determined by their age at midnight on 31 August at the beginning of each season and that age grade applies for the whole season. At U17 and U18 elite level only, the age limit is determined at midnight on 31 December of that season. Players may only play contact rugby with other players of their age grade unless they have a dispensation to play with players from a different age grade as set out in the RFU Age Grade Regulations. All players must be registered on the RFU Game Management System (GMS) and all players must have photo I.D cards which must be offered for inspection before every match, to comply with GDPR this ID is held on password protected electronic devices by authorised club officials . FANCY A GO? It is best to drop your respective coach of your year group, shown on the table previously, an email and then come to the club for a training session. If you fancy having a go just come dressed in sports kit and boots and preferably bring a gum shield. We will let you have a three or four sessions to make sure you like it and then you will need to sign up as a member and pay the subscriptions as soon as possible. You will need to complete a Registration Form as soon as you come along to get registered on the RFU system before taking part in a match. You then just need to ensure you have the correct kit for both training days and match days. GIRLS Girls are included in the normal Age Grade teams until U11 when they move onto single sex teams. Girls’ U13 and U15 rugby is played at Ilkley Grammar School. Some of the training sessions take place at Ilkley Rugby club out of school hours, normally on a Thursday. If you are not studying at the Grammar School but would like to take part please contact the RFU CRC. MEMBERSHIP As soon as you decide that it is the game for you please follow the Membership link on our website and sign up to our WebCollect membership system. From there, purchase the appropriate membership subscription. Remember, if you are not a paid up member you are not insured. Family membership (for Junior and Youth players and their parents/guardians) is £110 which includes all match fees. Please pay as soon as possible and do not make it difficult for the coach who will have to exclude players who have not paid. There is also a specific Junior & Youth section Player Registration form which MUST be completed at the earliest opportunity. The information gathered will be GDPR compliant and ensure we are aware of your specific needs/circumstances. PITCHES The recent increase in interest and participation in Rugby at Ilkley Rugby Club is testimony to the success of the club. It has, however, led to far greater use of the pitches than ever before. We spend a lot of time working to make rugby happen despite the weather and sometimes pitches will need to be rested which must be respected and keep players off these even if they are just kicking a ball around. Most importantly please stick to the allocated pitch. If you are not playing do not stand anywhere on the playing surface. The playing surface is defined by the touch and dead ball lines marked out for senior rugby and please deliver this message to visiting spectators. A safety barrier is now used on the back pitch and mini rugby pitch as well as the permanent ones on the main pitch. These barriers are in place to protect the players from dangerous collisions with spectators and make sure buggies are well behind these barriers. Please make sure that home and away spectators stand behind this line which applies to games when only a part of the big pitches are marked out for use. Spectators standing on the pitch do untold damage to them and Coaches should ensure that all spectators are adhering to this simple request. FIXTURES Fixtures for all age groups are contained in the club fixture book, which you will receive with your subscription form. A number of Sundays during the season are allocated to training with most teams having 2-4 weeks at the start of the season. These are equally as important as matches and you are encouraged to attend as many Sundays as you can. This is based upon the RFU structured season which dictates how many matches can be played as a part of the RFU Continuum for player development WHERE? At Stacks Field for home matches and training sessions – within the club grounds and the Council Pitches alongside. Note when and where your team’s fixtures are and check them each week with your Coach or the team Admin. Remember the fixture list can change and weather can often change things at the last minute. Check the pitch allocation board on the outer clubhouse wall and if in doubt check with your Coach/Admin. KIT For matches: Your personal kit should be named! You need clean boots with legal studs (aluminium with kite mark) black shorts, black club socks AND (very importantly) a gum shield. You can wear thermal “skins” but CANNOT wear tracksuit bottoms. Our official Kukri kit supplier is Dobson & Robinson whose shop is on The Grove in Ilkley. They hold a full range of all the kit you will require. U7s to U12s require shirts, shorts and socks. U13s and older require shorts and socks as Club shirts are provided and laundered by the club and are the property of the club and should not be removed from the club. If you do please bring it back clean. For training:- anything suitable for training. Make sure it is both warm and comfortable. We have a policy that a gum shield is mandatory for any contact training and matches. Do not wear any form of jewellery and don’t bring unnecessary valuables. KIT SWAP SHOP The club operates a boot and kit exchange/surplus store during the first 4 weeks of the season. We encourage people to swap things but items can be bought for a fixed price. GUM SHIELDS Our Club policy is that the wearing of gum shields is mandatory. There is a gum shield fitting service available at the club during the first few weeks run by Muirhead Dental Practice, phone 07817 155438 or 01756 792433. Alternatively your own dentist will be able to supply one. Mouldable ones are available from Dobson and Robinson and sometimes the club has a stock of these behind the bar. PLAYERS’ INSURANCE All teams representing Ilkley Rugby Club are covered by the basic RFU compulsory players’ insurance scheme. All players, parents and carers are advised to familiarise themselves with the extent of the cover provided. Details are posted on the notice board and are available from the Secretary. PLAYER DISPENSATIONS On certain occasions it is possible for players to play in different age grades and this process is very carefully managed and documented. Only when the process has been followed and approval granted can the mixing of age grades take place. If a Coach feels that a mixed team in opposition has an unfair advantage and the spirit of the game is suffering he can request to the opposing Coach that players are changed. WHEN DOES IT ALL TAKE PLACE? Sundays from 10.00 a.m. (be there at 9.45 a.m.). Don’t be late as it causes coaches problems if you are. Training sessions may be organised on other days and your coach will notify you if you are required. NB: * = Means only for 15-a-side and 7s on a given day SPORTSMANSHIP AND ATTITUDE We promote the RFU Core Values shown below and players must remember that they are representing Ilkley Rugby Club at matches both home and away. They should show courtesy and good manners to opponents, officials and other coaches at all times. BAD BEHAVIOUR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UNDER 18’s INTO SENIOR TEAMS This is an age group with special circumstances, where players begin to graduate from age group rugby into senior rugby. There are very strict guidelines about players under the age of 18 both playing and/or training with senior players. Your coaches and the Chairman of Rugby are familiar with these protocols which MUST be followed without fail. Basically you will require signed parental consent and your own consent. There is more detail on this available from SATURDAYS Is the day on which the seniors play their games. You and your parents/guardians are most welcome to come and watch the matches. Entry for junior club members is free and only a little more for parents/guardians! You see a good standard of rugby at Ilkley. Fixtures are contained in your members’ directory. SMOKING, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Junior and Youth members are not allowed to smoke on club grounds or whilst representing the club at competitions or away matches. Junior and Youth members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the club premises or whilst representing the club. RESPECT THE CLUB AND ITS GROUNDS Don’t enter the clubhouse with boots on and try to keep the clubroom clean and tidy. Don’t drop litter. Keep the changing rooms clean and tidy. Remember someone has to clean it up! It is YOUR club – take pride in it and its appearance. VOLUNTEER A great opportunity exists for our 16 to 18 year olds to help out on the coaching side too. Obtain a level one RFU qualification and help out both at the club and at school. The same goes for University students. The club will pick up the cost of your course and it makes a great addition to your CV. PLAYER DEVELOPMENT Opportunities exist for young players to progress through the RFU Player Development programme and this overview should give an idea of how this works. Please ask your coach for the specifics for your age grade. Ilkley do very well with players representing District and County in all age groups England Rugby Developing Player Programme Leeds Carnegie in conjunction with the RFU and Yorkshire Rugby Union, are producing an exciting and expanding programme which aims to provide development opportunities across the County for U13 to U16 players. Players will be given access to the latest up to date conditioning and sports science information as well as tactical, technical and lifestyle information from the RFU Rugby Academy at Leeds Carnegie. The aim of the programme will be to help the players to develop to their fullest potential whilst recognising their current stage of physical maturity and technical development. The ERDPP will have a revolving door policy whereby players can enter and leave the programme as their levels of competence improve or plateau. Whilst progress and achievement in rugby, like any other walk of life, is to be encouraged and applauded, we recognise the majority of participants in our game do so for enjoyment and healthy competition. We should not harbour unrealistic ambitions but should recognise and encourage the development of genuine potential in our young players. Note: transferring to another club is NOT a step up on the elite player pathway.
Information For Parents / CaregiversINFORMATION FOR PARENTS/CARERS VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS YOU REMAIN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WELFARE OF YOUR CHILD DURING EITHER TRAINING OR MATCHES UNLESS ANOTHER PARENT HAS AGREED TO LOOK AFTER THEM IN YOUR ABSENCE. THE RUGBY CLUB IS NOT A CRECHE AND HAVING COACHES GO TO A&E DUE TO AN ABSENT PARENT/GUARDIAN IS UNACCEPTABLE. Welcome to Ilkley Rugby Club. You are as welcome here as your children are. You can join the club as an individual member, either patron or social, or with a family membership. Whichever way you choose you will enjoy being a part of your rugby club. Please read the instructions to players section above carefully. Two points which you must note: only paid up members can play, and kit is only lost kit if it is unnamed. To get the most of your child’s experience at Ilkley you can volunteer to help in some way or other. The more volunteers we have, the less there is for everyone else to do. Here are some important areas where help is always needed: Transport to away matches. Your car space is important. Join the coaching team. We will train you to train the youngsters and the club will pay for RFU coaching courses. Support and encourage your child and his/her team First aid cover where we will pay for you to attend a First Aid course Duty Officer to fulfil your team’s rota requirements MEDICAL CONDITIONS/ALLERGIES Please ensure we are aware of any condition relevant to your child. If we are aware we can take appropriate action. DUTY OFFICER We pride ourselves at Ilkley Rugby Club on being welcoming and supporting each other and visiting teams. One way we do this is through the Duty Officer, who gets the club ready for play – unlocking gates, putting up the pitch allocation; and supervises car parking and deals with any emergencies. The club is run by parents and this is a voluntary duty so please get in touch if you are able to volunteer one Sunday in the season. Contact Stephen Dudley ( A rota across all the age groups is in place for filling the Duty Officer role and we are always looking for volunteers. A massive “Thank You” to the fine work done by these people. FIRST AID Rugby is a contact sport and there will inevitably be some knocks during the season. We do not have many but if we do here are the guidelines Stay calm but act quickly to assess the situation Alert your team first-aider. Every team has at least one first aider and your coach will know who it is. If there is no one available for the team, seek assistance from the duty first aider (you can contact them via the Duty Officer wearing a high viz jacket). Support the first aider in the decisions he/she makes. He or she will decide if you need to call the emergency services. Ensure the rest of the players are adequately supervised. For every incident an accident form must be completed and signed by the parent or adult responsible for the child and the first aid attending. These are in the team first aid bag and in the medical room. Each team has a first aid bag containing essentials for minor injuries. You can also use the medical room if required. Some spare supplies are available in the medical room. Visiting teams should have their own first aider, but we offer support if required and we still fill in an incident form. There is a community defibrillator in the clubhouse which is designed to be used by anyone if the need arises. Finally we are always looking for First Aiders and the Club will provide first aid training. If you are willing to be a first aider for your team please let your coach know. Please contact: Stephen Dudley 07885 968957 FIXTURES & TRAVEL The fixture list contained in the club directory is subject to change. Keep an eye on the notice board. Never travel away direct without first informing your child’s coach/manager. TOURS We are very much in favour of teams organising a Rugby Tour and we regularly see some very successful ones each season which can simply involve only one night away. We receive invites to competitions and festivals during the season which can be used to form a tour. It is a great way to get to know each other and the players have a great time where the bonding certainly shows up back on the pitch. All we ask for is to make sure the tour is registered by you Coach/Admin with Yorkshire RFU and that all usual safeguarding applies and of course the club is represented by all with the normal high standards. ATTENDANCE Coaches will maintain an attendance register. Regular attendance helps both the coach and the team, but most important helps your child’s progress. If your child can’t attend, let the coach or manager know. Do not let players play if they are carrying an injury. If in doubt, ask. BAD WEATHER If fixtures or training are in doubt please contact your coach or administrator for guidance. If the weather turns nasty please do not travel direct to an away ground without checking. PHOTOGRAPHY The club is fortunate to have a volunteer photographer ( From time to time action shots from matches or training sessions may be taken and may be posted on the club website or supplied to the press. Team photographs are also taken and distributed (at a small cost) to members of those teams. We recognise that photography can be a sensitive issue. There is a separate policy statement on the subject DOGS Dogs need to be kept under control and at all times on a lead as some children are frightened by them. Please make sure you clear up any dog mess. PARKING The club’s car park is recently vastly improved. Park sensibly. Overflow parking is on Brook Street and (with thanks) in the Cricket Club. There are double yellow lines in Denton Road (outside the club grounds) which are operative all year round and parking tickets are regularly issued to offenders. CLUBHOUSE, CHANGING ROOMS AND GROUNDS Cleaning and maintenance costs the club a lot of money. Do your best to keep it up to the standard we require and you would expect. It is volunteers who have to clean up any mess! There are boot brushes around the clubhouse and please use these before entering the club. If your child has got dirty kit then get them to change or cover up with a tracksuit before bringing them in. SPONSORSHIP There are always sponsorship for opportunities for sets of shirts or tracksuits etc. See Tim Marlow, Sean Gilbert or your age group manager if you or your firm are able to help. To sponsor the club with either a signboard or advertisement in the programme/handbook cover call: Jason Shaw (sponsor boards / programmes) 07889 472577 VOLUNTEER Ilkley Rugby Club is powered by volunteers, without them there would be no club. All our junior and youth coaching team is made up of volunteers, but behind the scenes there are many jobs to be done. The club is keen to add to its growing list of trained coaches and is committed to having all its coaches properly qualified at least to RFU Level 1. There is also a shortage of referees. We encourage all coaches to gain a basic referee’s qualification with a view to officiating at club matches when no society ref is available. You never know, you may really enjoy it and go to bigger and better things. You will in any case enable games to take place.
Behaviour of Parents / CaregiversBEHAVIOUR OF PARENTS/CARERS Remember – your children play for their enjoyment, not yours Encourage your child to learn the laws and play within them Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes Publicly accept officials’ judgement Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport Use correct and proper language at all times If you feel the need, discuss things sensibly with the coach or referee after the game Encourage your child to improve his or her skills through coaching sessions If you can spare just a little of your time, then volunteer to do something - you’ll join a great bunch and should get a lot of satisfaction from your involvement. DO NOT Force your child to play Drop off your child in the car park unless another named parent in attendance has agreed to look after them. Criticise any player for making a mistake Go onto the pitch unless authorised to do so Abuse the referee – they are volunteers. There is no game without them CONCUSSION Rugby is a physical game, and inevitably there will be some bumps and scrapes along the way. Please ensure you (and your child, if appropriate) read the guidance about concussion at It is unlikely to happen, but if your child should take a knock to the head during a game and seem fine, but then deteriorate later, you will want to know what to do. BULLYING Bullying of any kind is not acceptable within Ilkley Rugby Club. Ilkley Rugby Club promotes a “telling” culture. Anyone who is aware bullying is taking place is expected to tell the Chairman of Junior and Youth section of their concerns. Reports of bullying will be taken seriously, responded to promptly, and procedures followed to deal with the situation. It is the responsibility of every adult working in rugby union whether professional or volunteer, to ensure that all young people can enjoy the sport in a safe enjoyable environment. Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain and distress to the victim. Bullying can be emotional, physical, racist, sexual, homophobic and verbal. All members are urged to look out for signs of bullying and report it immediately. A All volunteers should be aware of this policy. WELL-BEING & SAFEGUARDING The well-being of your child is important to us. Each child will be asked to complete a fairly detailed application form which will enable us to conform to Sport England requirements and, most important, to be aware of any relevant medical or injury details. It also contains a parental consent form allowing basic assessment and management and treatment of injuries to be carried out. Please ensure that these forms are completed and returned promptly to your child’s year group coach/manager. The information will be held on a discrete database for club reference only. Ilkley Rugby Club fully subscribes to the RFU/RFUW Policy and Procedures for the Welfare of Young People in Rugby Union. Copies can be obtained from the RFU: 020 8892 2000 The YRFU Safeguarding Manager is Kristian Sharples ( or 07701 396735). THE USE OF VIDEO/PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES As part of our commitment to ensure the safety of young people we will not permit the taking of photographs, video or other images of young people without the consent of the parents/carers and of the young person concerned. Ilkley Rugby Club will take all steps to ensure these images are used solely for the purposes they are intended which is the promotion and celebration of the activities of the game of Rugby Union as delivered at Ilkley Rugby Club. If anyone becomes aware that these images are being used inappropriately they should inform our Safeguarding Officer. The images may be published on the website or in the Ilkley Gazette and other club publicity material. If at any time either the parent/carer or the young person wishes the data to be removed from the website, the club Safeguarding Officer should be informed. RFU/RFUW guidance for the use of images of young people is to: Ensure parents/carer/young person have granted their consent for the taking and publication of photographic images and have signed and returned the Parent/carer and Young Person Permission Form which is embodied in the Junior and youth section membership form. All young people must be appropriately dressed for the activity taking place. Photography or recording should focus on the activity rather than a particular young person and personal details which might make a young person vulnerable, such as their exact address, must never be revealed. Where an individual has achieved success in the game (e.g. when selected for representative side or showing triumph over adversity) permission must be gained from parent/carer and young person to use photographs/recordings and relevant details. Where possible, to reflect the RFU/RFUW Equity Policy, photographs/recordings should represent the diverse range of young people participating in rugby. Anyone taking photographs or recording at any rugby event must have a valid reason for doing so and seek the permission of the organisers/persons in charge. Please be aware that not all parents are happy for photographs of their children to be shared on Facebook and other social media. You could put a child at risk if you do so, so please do not post pictures of other children without permission from their parent of guardian. Please do not be offended if you are reminded of this, no offence is meant! Anyone taking photographs or recording should make themselves known to the event organisers/ persons in charge and be able to identify themselves if requested during the course of the event. All concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported in confidence to the Club Safeguarding Officer who will take appropriate action. The club’s volunteer official photographer is: Peter Clark
Dealing With An AccidentGUIDELINES FOR DEALING WITH AN INCIDENT/ACCIDENTS Don't worry, we do not have many! But if we do here are some guidelines: • Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. • Assess whether there is danger of further injuries. • Listen to what the injured person is saying. • Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries. • In the event of an injury requiring specialist treatment, call the emergency services. • Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised. • Do not move someone with major injuries. Wait for the emergency medics. • Contact the injured person's parent/guardian. • Complete an incident/accident report form. • Incident/Accident report forms are available in the clubhouse. They should be completed either by the coach responsible or by Becky Malby if treatment by Becky was needed. • The club has trained first alders on site. • Each age group is supplied with a first aid kit for those little emergencies. • First aid equipment, plasters, bandages etc are always available in the physio room. • Seek out any First Aider for assistance. We aim to have at least one First Aider per age group/team. Please put yourself forward for First Aid courses which are delivered annually. First Aiders' courses are available to anyone who will provide assistance and particularly to coaches. We aim to have at least one trained first aider with each age group. If you'd like to go on a course or are already a qualified First Aider, please let us know. DO NOT BLOCK THE ACCESS FOR AMBULANCES BY PARKING IN THE BLOCKED OUT AREAS OF THE CAR PARK
Age Grade Risk Assessment 23/24
PlayingPLAYERS All players will pay an annual subscription to entitle them to train & play. Unlike other clubs, there is no match fee charged. No player will receive any remuneration for playing for Ilkley Rugby Club. Ilkley Rugby club is committed to fielding at least three senior male teams each week. A 4th/veterans' team will be fielded whenever possible. The selection policy is displayed on the notice board in the changing room corridor. Please read it. AVAILABILITY Inform the Head Coach and Rugby Chairman of your availability each week. Late backwords are unacceptable. Players should ensure their availability is made known at least a week in advance of the next match. Players should immediately report any injury which may prevent them playing and keep those people informed about progress or otherwise. Rugby is a team game. It cannot function if we all do not work as a team on and off the field. ALL PLAYERS SHOULD: Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by coaches, match officials and administration in providing the opportunity to play the game and enjoy. ALL PLAYERS SHOULD: Recognise and appreciate the efforts made by coaches, match officials and administration in providing the opportunity to play the game and enjoy the rugby environment. Understand the values of loyalty and commitment to team mates. Remember that skill development, fun and enjoyment are the most important parts of the game. Be a sportsman — win with dignity, lose with grace. Play to the IRB Laws of the Game and accept, without question, all referees' decisions. Verbal or physical abuse of team mates, opponents, coaches, match officials or spectators is not acceptable. INJURIES AND ACCIDENTS Ilkley Rugby Clubs' senior physiotherapist is Alison Briggs A physiotherapist will be on hand on at least one training night per week and will advise players on all injuries. Players should notify the club physiotherapist of any medical condition that may be significant when treating injuries. We have a well-equipped physio room. In the rare event of serious injury there is a RFU protocol for dealing with it. All injuries requiring hospitalisation, no matter how long or short a stay it is, are recorded and notified to Twickenham so that the circumstances can be recorded and measures taken to prevent recurrence. Always follow the advice you are given to help prevent injuries and to aid recovery from them. The club injury protocol is displayed on the notice board in the changing room corridor. Please read and follow it. PLAYER’S INSURANCE All teams representing Ilkley Rugby Club are covered by the basic RFU insurance scheme. Players are advised to familiarise themselves with the extent of the cover provided. Details are posted on the notice board and are available from the secretary. Players should note that cover does not extend to loss of earnings. Those players whose earnings may be jeopardised due to incapacity are strongly advised to consider additional cover. The RFU does provide such a scheme as do many other insurers. Further information can be obtained from the Secretary. Such cover will be at the cost of the player not the club. Only fully paid up members are covered by the players' insurance scheme. PATHFINDER Ilkley Rugby Club's Player Pathfinder is Andrew Munro The Pathfinder's role is: To maintain player profiles. To encourage all senior players to remain in the game as long as they are fit and can to do so. To encourage retiring players to remain in the game and become coaches and referees. To ensure that specially talented players progress along the player pathway and graduate through the RFU academy system to achieve the highest possible level of playing standard.
CoachingOACHING DEVELOPMENT Ilkley Rugby Club will promote and develop the game of Rugby Union within the community and encourage participation at every level. As an amateur club Ilkley Rugby Club must rely on volunteers to provide the bulk of its coaching needs, particularly in the Junior and Youth section. Head of Rugby and Senior Club Coaching Co-ordinator is Rhys Morgan. Senior players are also encouraged to gain coaching qualifications. Volunteer coaching skills are acquired by encouraging coaches to attend RFU approved courses. The Junior Coaching Development Co-ordinator is Sean Gilbert. Please speak to these people to arrange courses. It is accepted that most Junior and Youth section coaches materialise because they are either parents, or are related to children when they take up rugby at the club. The youngest junior players are under 6's and Junior and Youth section have teams right through to under 18's. COACHING POLICY Ilkley Rugby Club conducts its coaching at all levels with values: Clearly and openly defined With targets and objectives With commitment Responsive to suggestions and ideas Innovative in its approach and Inclusive, encouraging participation by all. Ilkley Rugby Club aims to provide qualified coaches to each age group to help meet the requirements of the RFU codes of practice for age grade rugby which aims to put the wants and needs of children at the heart of everything we do. We will be player centred and focus on potential with the emphasis on enjoyment. Please read the Codes of practice by clicking the link: final.pdf All volunteer coaches are encouraged to attend RFU courses. All coaches should be trained in best practice around player safety and safeguarding including concussion awareness training and an understanding of how to safely coach and referee the contact areas of the game. Courses are available and paid for by the club from entry level, in order to upskill new coaches, to more advanced levels in the game. Suffice to say there are courses available that support the individual coaching journey – courses are available by clicking the link: e6a592966b69/England%20Rugby%20Training%20Courses%202020-21.pdf The club encourages an open pathway from junior to senior rugby and will encourage its best players to go on to elite rugby. The club will constantly monitor progress and identify coaching/training needs in individuals. The club will hold occasional clinics for all coaches delivered by its own coaching team and other suitably trained coaches to "up-skill" its coaches. As a minimum requirement it is mandatory for all Junior and Youth section coaches MUST have DBS (those in clubs or academies MUST have an RFU Enhanced DBS). However standard practice is: Completion of DBS Complete Play it Safe eLearning course ( Have committed to COP RFU UKCC Coaching / Refereeing Qualification Coaches of players should: • Recognise the importance of fun and enjoyment when coaching players. • Be a positive role model. • Respect all referees and the decisions they make, even if they appear to make a mistake, (remember it could be you refereeing next week) and ensure that the players recognise that they must do the same. • Provide positive verbal feedback in a constructive and encouraging manner to all players, both during coaching sessions and matches. • Provide rugby experiences which are matched to the players' ages and abilities, as well as their physical and behavioural development. • Ensure all players are coached in a safe environment, with adequate first aid readily to hand. • Avoid the overplaying of the best players by using a squad system which gives everybody a satisfactory amount of playing time. • Never allow a player to train or play when injured. • Ensure good supervision of players, both on and off the field. • Ensure that players are never exposed to extremes of heat, cold or unacceptable risk of injury. • Develop an awareness of nutrition as part of an overall education in lifestyle management. • Recognise that it is illegal for players under 18 to drink alcohol or for those under 16 to smoke. Coaches should actively discourage both. • Ensure that their knowledge and coaching strategies are up to date and in line with RFU philosophy.
RefereesREFEREES Ilkley Rugby Club's referee coordinator is: Graeme Hall The role is: To act as point of contact for the RFU and YRFU referees society. To publicise and promote RFU awards and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities to club referees. To ensure referee database on RF is up to date. To establish and coordinate a club referee's section. To identify potential referee candidates by observing coaching sessions, matches and players at all levels. To canvas junior players, senior players, coaches, parents and members to consider taking up refereeing. Ilkley Rugby Club will have as a minimum one RFU qualified referee for each of the mini and youth sections. Retiring players will be encouraged to take up refereeing through the Entry Level Referees Accreditation scheme or through formal refereeing courses. These intrepid people are probably the most valuable on the pitch. They turn out every weekend and go to grounds where they may not know anyone. They make every game possible, without them there simply is no game. They often suffer abuse from spectators and sometimes even the players. Of course they make mistakes, no one is infallible. But they don't make them deliberately or maliciously. They are doing their best to make everyone's day an enjoyable experience. It is beholden on everyone concerned with Ilkley Rugby Club to do what they can to make the match day official(s) welcome. It is up to spectators and players to give referees utmost respect. Respect goes two ways. If we respect the referee, the referee will have more respect for us, our players and our club. Sometimes refereeing can be a thankless task, but at Ilkley we must make sure it is not. The referee's authority on the pitch is absolute and without question. His/her enjoyment of the "Ilkley experience" is a priority for everyone associated with the club.
Ilkley Rugby Club take safeguarding, welfare and policies very seriously. You can view all our Policies & Welfare, Junior and Senior information in the table above.
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